
Day After Marie+Tristan

4 juin 2018

Chaleur écrasante

On se gare à l’ombre

Changement de tenues

Ballade autour de l’étang du Fleckenstein

Torpeur et maillots de bain

Plongeons et brasse coulée

Puis direction le château du Frœnsbourg

Marie met ses chaussures de marche

Montée épuisante, étouffante, transpirante

Tristan finit torse nu

Arrivée triomphante

Le soleil descend tranquillement derrière les cimes

On sort les verres

Tchin !

Le soleil est couché

Alexie+Aaron Elopement

27 décembre 2018


Je frappe à la porte de la chambre 210

On ne s’était vu que par Skype

Les 7.248.600 mètres de distance n’en font maintenant plus qu’un

Alexie+Aaron sont américains

Ils vivent en Iowa

Voici le récit de leur “elopement”

De leur fugue amoureuse

De ce jour où

Après avoir traversé un océan

Ils se lièrent l’un à l’autre

December 27, 2018


I knock on the door of room 210

We had only seen each other by Skype

The 7.248.600 meters that separated us are now just one

Alexie + Aaron are Americans

They live in Iowa

Here is the story of their "elopement"

From their love runaway

From this day when

After crossing an ocean

They bonded to each other


“I love you so much! The last six years have been the best. Not always the easiest (see cleaning Moriarty poop), but I would not trade one second. I LOVE the family we have created and the life we lead.

For a long time, I wasn’t sure I’d ever get to this day. I don’t get a lot of social things and figured I never would. But then, on November 8th, 2012 (9th at 1 a.m. – I checked), I got back in touch, and every day since has been the best. The times we’ve had, dreams we make and everything in between are what excite me most.
There are a million things I could go over about you and why I love you. I’ll give you them along the way when you give me kisses (998,729 left). So, let’s go with five right now.
1. You are so strong and independent.
2. You have such a big heart.
3. You make me a better person.
4. You are so funny, and your smile is infections.
5. You are the most beautiful woman in the world.
So… when I started writing this, I looked through our messages, Facebook, pictures and texts. There are years of things I want to include in this but… time and page count… We have been through so much, things I’ve forgotten, but still mean so much to me. Seriously, Las Vegas, weekend trips, going out in South Sioux, nightly calls, graduation parties, making cookies, fireworks, EDC… Fuck I Love You SO Much!

Anyway, the most important thing has been that it has been with you. I will always choose you. You love me unconditionally, you support my dreams, you laugh at my stupid jokes (sometimes :P) and make me so happy. You are the reason for getting up, for being a good person, you are my everything.

You are the love of a lifetime and I am so grateful you chose to spend that lifetime with me.
When I wanted to propose, I tried to think of the perfect way and things to say. In the end, I just needed you to know how much I love you and I don’t want to spend another moment not being married.
So now that time has finally come. I am so happy I will not have to wait another moment not being married to you. I cannot wait to continue this adventure together.”

Lexie Aaron Elopement (34).jpg

“Thank you ❤

Thank you for teaching me what love re ally means. I vow to show you how much I love you each and every day. But see, you get me. You know it’s hard for me to show love. Hard for me to act loving. Yet, I’m in love with you. Somehow, you’ve always known.

Maybe you can tell from the way that I breathe. Before you, I’m not really sure I knew how, it just came natural. Since ninth grade, it’s a conscious effort. I have to remember. When you think I’m not listening, perhaps it’s because you’ve stolen all thoughts.

When I look at you I forget who I am. You’ve taken my breath and my name, I vow to always look at you the same. I vow to always strive to be a better person. You make me want to be one. The way you believe in me, telling me just how proud you are at least once a week.

When really it’s you. You push me. The drive that gets me switching gear shifts, hoping I don’t crash. Because you deserve a smooth ride in this relationship. As a child, every 11:11, I’d make the same wish. I’d wish to find a soulmate in hopes to know what it’s like to fall in love.

Then you came along. And every time our lips touch I taste the next sixty years of my life.”

Day After Marie+Marc

On part de Stras

Temps gris


On se dit qu’on verra bien

La voiture avale l’asphalte

Où va-t-on ?

Destination à l’instinct

Montées en lacets

Le soleil perce

La vue se fait grandiose

On sort


Chair de poule

La beauté du lieu réchauffe nos yeux

Un verre de vin au corps


Aller vers l’eau

S’y jeter

Saut à deux dans l’inconnu

Et peut importe le reste

S’y jeter à deux